Monday, April 15, 2013

Notifiblog: Update and a Topic!

I've done it.  Managed to complete the interview without completely babbling or coming across as a total marshmallow.  I hope.  I feel like I'm just waking up from a dream.  Did I have that nice meeting with my co-worker?  Did she really tell me there's a second interview with the actual decision maker--if he invites me, of course I'll be thrilled.

In the meantime, she gave me pointers about the types of accomplishments I should be sure to mention if that second interview happens.

So, let's not worry further about that and get on with a topic for today.  One of my favorite subjects is food.  This weekend, whilst following a Wikipedia trail, I learned about Canadian cuisine.

Of course, if you've ever watched SCTV or seen Strange Brew, you have heard of back bacon.  If you're ordering pizza in the US, you'll be happy calling it Canadian bacon.

Poutine is a Quebec specialty.  And I'm sure they devised this recipe to wipe out the British portion of Canada.  It's essentially french fries with cheese curds, smothered in thin brown gravy.  Have a cardiologist on speed-dial if you intend to indulge in this dish more than once in a great while.
The one I learned about this weekend is Fish and Brewis.  This dish is from Newfoundland and Labrador, where cod and hard tack biscuits were readily found.  The addition of scrunchions makes it sound just evilly delish.

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