Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Notifiblog: EXTRA

I have a job interview this Friday morning at 9:30 local time.

Good things about this event:
  1. It's within my company.
  2. I applied yesterday; heard from HR today.  Top candidates are contacted first.
  3. It's for a project coordinator position.  One of my various titles over the past five years I've spent in our Enterprise Program Management Office (RIP!) was "project coordinator." 
  4. I've helped with project coordination tasks.
  5. I have vast experience with the project time tracking software.  In fact, I've been a functional administrator, which is one step aside from system administrator.  Yeah, I'm that good!
  6. The interviewer, I found out when HR called, is one of the first people I met when I arrived at my company about five years ago.  She's the interviewer.
  7. I've done project coordination tasks specifically for/with her over the past five years.
  8. BEST OF ALL, I happened to mention her BY NAME in my response to the application question about why I think I'd be the best candidate.  Synch moment!
  9. Okay, there's a 9th good thing:  the contractor who is doing the job currently (a doll of a lady!) is leaving on 4/22.  This temporary gig I have probably ends 4/26.  How cool is that for timing?
To be fair, I can't assume I'm a shoo-in.  I trust her implicitly NOT to hire me if she thinks the job and I aren't a good match.  But it would be awesome working with her again.

It's at least fun to think there's a chance I can be of service to her and her latest team!

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