Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Notifiblog: Happy World Farm Animals Day!

Have you ever called someone a "pig" or a "cow" and meant it to hurt?  Have you been accused of being "chicken" when you showed signs of (very healthy) reluctance to do something ​dangerous?  We shouldn't do that!  Farm animals feed us!  And now I learn there's a whole day devoted just to them!

Pig, Cow, and Chicken, when used pejoratively, are common insults.

Livestock have benefited humans for thousands of years.  They provide us meat, wool, honey, milk, transportation, help with hard work...the list isn't completely endless, but it's pretty long.

Temple Grandin (yes, that's her, huh!) is an American doctor of animal science, professor, and author.  She feels her experiences with her own autism have given her a special sympathy for animals.  She has been instrumental in changing meat production standards to place less stress on the animal during its life and its impending slaughter.  I've read her book,  "Animals Make Us Human," and I'm happy to recommend it.  The insights in this book have brought me a little closer to my dog and cat friends, I like to think.

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