Friday, April 19, 2013

Notifiblog EXTRA: 2nd Interview Complete

The perfect-est job, right along the lines of what I've done at my company for the past 5.5 years, has come available.  The contractor who was doing the work took a fabulous job with another company.  (She's a doll--I'll miss her, but I'm very happy for her.)  Best part:  the temporary assignment I've been privileged to have these past four months ends probably one week from today.  They need someone NOW in the other department.  The mathematical improbabilities of this job and this timing are tremendously huge.
The interview has been a very nice conversation, if nothing else.  A chance to compare work ethic and philosphy with someone I've worked with/for indirectly over the past years, and heard so many good things about.

We talked for a bit more than our allotted 30 minutes (his next meeting was cancelled, so we could take a little extra time) about the needs of the position, how success appears for this position, almost didn't feel like an interview. 

The two nicest things he said to me were:
  • We're making the decision very soon.
  • You did well on this interview; you have said nothing to damage yourself.
That second one is HUGE with me.  I already liked this interviewer by reputation; I respect him and want to work for his team even more, now.  He trusts the opinion of the first interviewer, we'll call her Janet, who will be working with (me?) side-by-side.  Anyone who trusts whatever our Janet says is okay by me!

But for now, we wait.  It's out of our hands.  Thankfully, I have existing work to do.

Thank you for your positive thoughts and well wishes!  More when I know either way.​

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