Monday, April 1, 2013

Notifiblog: Mum's 80th Birthday Done RIGHT!

We (my sister, niece, our men, and I) pulled off the ULTIMATE 80th birthday for Mum.  She was very surprised.  Multiple times.

Friday, 29th March, she got the BIG surprise:  her "One and Only" (granddaughter) was presented to her in the car on the way to lunch at Cheescake Factory.  It took her a few ticks to figure out a) there was someone else in the car, and b) that it was her granddaughter!  Big, sneaky  grins.  She got her iPhone 4 that day, too, even though we didn't get it activated 'til yesterday.  More on that later.

Saturday was THE BIG DAY.  Her real 80th birthday.  Also the most GORGEOUS day of the entire year, thus far.  The entire day was sunny and warm, but not too warm (77F, 25C)​ and the humidity in our part of the world is rarely an issue.  Thanks to The Management for that one!  We completely surprised Mum with--not a trip to Downtown Portland, Oregon for shopping, though I thought it was a brilliant ruse my sister devised--a limousine and an excursion to tours at two Oregon wineries:  Domaine Drouhin and Rex Hill / A to Z.  Our driver, Ted, was fantastic.  Last surprise of the day was dinner at Sayler's Old Country Kitchen, which was selected for its dining faire AND because this Portland classic restaurant serves steak.  Everyone in our family can eat that.  (We have tons of food intolerances and allergies in our family.)

Sunday, Easter, we took Mum to brunch at the Red Lion Jantzen Beach hotel.  With lots of jiggery-pokery and a call to Joe at Verizon Wireless Customer Service, Nana's One and Only got the iPhone running.  By 7PM that evening, Mum figured out for herself how to take photos!  That's our Mum!

She'll never be your typical anything.  Especially not your typical 80-year-old!  Lesson here:  NEVER act your age

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