Thursday, April 25, 2013

Notifiblog: How Stuff Works Thursday!

As I write this sentence, I have not yet opened to see what inspires me.  Aren't you just on the edge of your chair with anticipation?  Okay, I guess that's just me.

Let's go with the article, Top 10 Hobbies That Can Pay Off today!  I'll give you three; you read the rest, k?

Dog Walker:  Can you imagine getting PAID to spend time getting exercise with some four-pawed cuties?  Or you can be a cat sitter!

Anything Crafty:  It's true!  Have you ever perused or Must Have Cool (formerly Must Have Cute)?  If you knit, sew, or are an accomplished marksman with a glue gun, you may have a hobby that can pay!

Photography:  That's a good one, especially now that, unless you do it as a full-time profession, chances are you don't have to develop film.

Okay, now try to concentrate on work today, eh!

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