Thursday, February 28, 2013

Notifiblog: How Stuff Works Thursday -- Home Innovations That Didn't Happen

I think I'll make Thursday the ​homage day.  Let's see how long I can remember...

Today's topic is inspired by the article, 10 Future Home Innovations...That Weren't.

Our good(?) friends(??) at Monsanto had a "House of the Future" exhibit at Disneyland from 1957 to 1967.  When the exhibit closed in 1967, the reinforced polyester structure was so strong, it took innovation to bring down this innovation!  The innovation that definitely didn't fly was a home nuclear power plant.  I can see chimneys retrofitted to become cooling towers now!

Space food hasn't really caught on, except for certain freeze-dried items we now take for granted.  Or love-hate, such as instant coffee.  (I'm drinking some right now with no complaint!)    That just boosted sales.  Mine looks more like this, though.  I can get it at Uwajimaya, but it's nice to know you can get it on, too!  Oh, and Tang was on the market before NASA sent some into space.

Videophones, but not quite the ones that are actually in use today, have been in imaginations for decades.  Imagine being able to carry on an ASL conversation with someone without having to type or go through an intermediary!   We're not there, yet, even with Skype and FaceTime.

I remember a "picturephone" toy I had in the very early '70s.  Fondly.  I can't find a photo (readily) at this juncture.  Sorry!

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