Thursday, February 21, 2013

Notifiblog: Comma Karma

The comma is one of the most important tools we use (or misuse) in written communications.  The comma is also our frenemy.  Today's topic was inspired by the article, 10 Completely Wrong Ways to Use Commas.

The serial comma helps us with listed components in a sentence.  Sometimes, though, it's that third item that gives us pause.  Is it 1, 2 and 3?  Or is it 1, 2, and 3?  Perhaps you've heard of the book, Eats, Shoots, and Leaves.  At least that title HAS commas.

The comma splice is acceptable in some languages.  English is definitely not one of them.  Charles Dickens did it, but he was Charles Dickens.  These days, we need to use conjunctions, semi-colons, or periods to separate two complete thoughts.  I'm evil, I'm a stickler about grammar.  See?  Not so pretty.  To remember the conjuctions (especially if you didn't grow up in the '70s with Schoolhouse Rock), think of "FANBOYS."

Most importantly, commas save lives:
Let's eat Grandma!
Let's eat, Grandma!

Hug a comma today!  It's good for your Karma.

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