Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Notifiblog: Too Much Holiday Yesterday! (Sorry, no entry yesterday!)

Whew!  Inauguration Day.  Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday.  Hockey game.  All too much.  Happily, I was working!​  As in being PAID to spend the holiday happily amongst coworkers.  Doesn't get much better than that, IMHO.

I'm still stuck on the cold weather.

Hoar frost or "radiation frost" is my latest discovery. 

ERMAHGERD!  I just learned that what I call "frost feathers" is actually called "window frost."  Gnarly!

As you may already know, I'm no fan of spiders, but when the web is unoccupied, I can't help admiring their web work.  We discovered a web on The Handsome One's truck this weekend that was even cooler looking than the one in the photo!  Phobia alert: photos of spiders at this Wikipedia article about spiderwebs.  (Too bad the photo doesn't show up here: it's a really cool UNOCCUPIED spider web with frost on every strand.)

I guess my relationship with spiders is similar to my relationship with cold, frosty weather.  I can be fascinated by either from a distance.

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