Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Notifiblog: It's A WHAT Point? (Worldwide Version)

This morning, I heard some blowhard on a long-running American morning infotainment ​show repeatedly interrupt another guest to call some issue a mute point.  She meant moot point.  But maybe she had a point:  if it's a moot point, maybe we should all shut up about it!
But the above is a moot point: 

Today would be Frank Zamboni's 112th birthday!  Now THAT's important.  (There's going to be a hockey tie-in, you know.)

Frank Zamboni invented the well-known Zamboni Ice Resurfacer, which can be viewed in action between periods at ice hockey games.

The Jacuzzi "Roman Bath" (1968) for private use is another invention known commonly by its Italian-American inventor's surname.  (Did you see that coming?)

Have a smooth, relaxing Wednesday!

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