Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Notifiblog: Horrors! The pictures do NOT translate to the Worldwide Version?!?

Big dur on my part:  I finally gave my own Worldwide blog (http://notifiblog.blogspot.com) a test from home.  Of course the photos don't show up on the blog: they're referenced from the local computer.  Soo...I get to learn how to add pictures to my big-girl blog!
While I say dur like it's a bad thing, I see it means other things to other people.​

In French, it means hard or harsh.  Think durable! "It's Tough to be a Baby!" (Song by French singer Jordy Lemoine)

In German, A-Dur means, "A major" -- as in a diatonic scale!

You do know, though, when I say dur, I mean duh.  Speaking of duh, this loser (photo of Charlie Sheen not inserted here) was born the VERY SAME DAY I was.  Yes, same year, too.  Sometimes I just want to do one of those slap-upside-the-head things on him for being such a mess-up when we share the very same birthday.  Oh, except according to this wikipedia.com article.  They're putting him at two days older than I am. Hmmm...?

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