Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Notifiblog: The Easter Bunny Approaches!

This Sunday, according to my ever-reliable Hello Kitty wall calendar, is Easter for the Western world.  The Eastern Orthodox Easter falls this year on May 5th, so if you have to miss the Western one, the Eastern one is still available.

Have you ever wondered why Easter falls on a different day each year?  Maybe that was just me.  There's a complex formula, called Computus, ​which, according to its Wikipedia article seems to take into account solar and lunar events--and from the look of all those numbers and chicken scratches, I'm guessing that's where the bunnies come in.  You can see 17 pages of the Computus Runicus, or the Runic Calendar from Gotland from 1328 here.

As you likely know, the Easter Bunny hops from house to house, rewarding well-behaved children with basket of candy and hidden, decorated hard-boiled eggs.  At least that's how it worked when I was growing up.  The idea of an egg-laying hare came from German immigrants.  It wasn't Cadbury's idea.  (Though those creme eggs are delish...)

Of course, no Easter is complete without some encounter with the nearly-indestructible Peeps.  Every year, the Washington Post has a Peeps Diorama contest, called...wait for it....Peeps Show.  This year's winners will be announced TOMORROW!  At this link!

Keep on hoppin'!

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