Thursday, July 18, 2013

Notifiblog POST #100: How Stuff Works Thursday!

I have to love this one: 10 Crazy Examples of Horrible Movie Science.
There is no sound in outer space, Star Wars and Star Trek fans. The only work of television or movie science fiction I've seen thus far that gets it right is the movie Serenity and its related short-lived TV series, Firefly.

Catching someone from a fall from a really big fall isn't really going to help. If you're falling off a New York City skyscraper, even Spider-Man's gentle web won't stop you from bursting like a dropped watermelon hitting the ground. Sorry, Spidey.

I saved HSW's first one for the last: the night sky in the ORIGINAL release of James Cameron's Titanic was noticeably (to an astrophysicist) wrong. Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson gleefully pointed out the Rorschach test-like sky to Cameron, who apparently is an insufferable stickler for detail.

Ah, well, as The Handsome One often tells me, "Suspend your disbelief." It IS more fun that way, I'll admit.

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