Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Notifiblog: How To Do Stuff

During a day of total sloth yesterday, I wondered how to do something.  Something I don't remember at the moment.  But I'll think of it or something equally entertaining later, I'm sure.​

So, for when I do think of whatever it is I wanted to learn how to do, let's find a few places where we can look for instruction!

Ehow used to be pretty good.  It seems to have become a lot prettier than I remember.

wikiHow is another site.  As with Wikipedia, anyone can edit the content, so I'd be careful following instructions that involve chemicals.  We should probably compare that cake recipe against another site's instruction.

I've always liked Lifehacker, ever since I read instructions for removing the beeper from a toy microwave oven.  (Used to sit near a kitchen in another job; saw no reason we couldn't apply the same principles.  Never did get to try it, though:  microwave finally broke.)

Next assignment:  Think of something we want to learn how to do!

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